Saturday, November 17, 2012

Bros before Hos.

Come on, I'm a girl and I know that. There's this guy my sister was telling me about. She explained that he basically stopped being friends with this one dude because this chick, who is not his girlfriend, who he met after this dude, no longer liked (and I mean crush like) him. WOW.

Now, I may not know all the details. Maybe this dude was a jerk to him. Who knows. But come on. You're a guy. You should know how to be cool with other guys even though your other friend no longer likes him. 

I don't know about you, but I think girls should look for that in a guy. Guys who can put bros before hos are definitely a guy worth keeping as friends and lovers. But then again, I don't really know the situation. For all I know, maybe this dude is a jerk, and our main guy here just needed this girl friend (not "girlfriend") to help him move on and away.  Who knows and I'm not one who can tell. 

It just pisses me off. You should look out for friends your own gender. I think brotherhood and sisterhood are the strongest bonds ever. We like the other sex because they are different, but we like our own sex because they are the same. Getting along with someone your own gender means you are able to like those like you. If you like those like you, it means you like yourself, and if you like yourself then you have nothing to fear because who cares about what the rest of the world has to say because you're the only one that counts. You and the law, of course.

Well, I have a five page paper to write. I have about 100 words. Got to go.

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